Home | Morning Starters | Year 6 | River Nile

Morning Starters: Summer 1 - River Nile


Did You Know?

The Nile crocodile is an apex predator of the Nile River. It is known for its immense size, powerful jaws and stealthy hunting strategy. It silently stalks its prey from beneath the water’s surface, launching explosive ambushes with terrifying speed. Once revered by the ancient Egyptians as a symbol of power, this formidable predator remains a master of its environment.

Credit: BBC One - Super Giant Animals

Word Challenge

Use a dictionary (if necessary) to record the meaning of each word underlined in the clip description.

Grammar Challenge

Click text to edit

Copy the sentence below, adding a fronted adverbial.

The Nile crocodile launched an explosive ambush.

Example: With deadly precision, the Nile crocodile launched an explosive ambush.


Number Challenge

In a single week, a newly-hatched Nile crocodile ate 14 fish, 6 frogs, 10 insects and 20 shrimp.
What percentage of the total animals eaten were insects?

Critical Thinking

Why do you think crocodiles today look almost identical to how they did millions of years ago during the age of the dinosaurs?