Home | Morning Starters | Year 6 | River Nile

Morning Starters: Summer 1 - River Nile


Did You Know?

Dams are sometimes built across rivers so that electricity can be generated from the power of the flowing water. Ethiopia built the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam across the Nile to boost its energy supply and encourage economic growth. However, this sparked conflict with downstream countries like Egypt, who feared that reduced water flow would threaten their water security and agriculture.

Credit: BBC - REEL

Word Challenge

A semordnilap is a word that becomes a different word when read backwards.

e.g.  dam – mad

From the following list, copy the words that are semordnilaps?

semordnilap     drawer    kayak    desserts    deliver

Grammar Challenge

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Write a sentence that starts in the following way.

Although the dam across the Nile …

Number Challenge

  • The Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) is approximately 145 metres high.

Use some or all the following numbers to make 145 (or as close as you can!).

15    20     8     1     4     3

Hint: You can add, subtract, multiply or divide the numbers to reach the target number.

Critical Thinking

Is it possible to build a dam across a river without upsetting nature? Why do you think this?