Morning Starters: Spring 2 - Deadly Creatures
Did You Know?
Scorpions possess venomous tails that are used primarily for hunting and self-defense. While there are over 2,500 species of scorpions, only about 25 have venom potent enough to be fatal to humans. Most scorpion stings cause pain, swelling and discomfort but are not life-threatening. Advances in antivenom treatments have significantly reduced fatalities, making scorpion stings less deadly to humans than they once were.
Word Challenge
The word ‘antivenom’ can be broken down into the following:
- Anti: meaning against or opposite
- Venom: the toxic substance produced by certain animals
Compile a list of words that contain the prefix ‘anti-.’
Grammar Challenge
Copy the sentence below, adding the necessary punctuation marks.
The man recoiled in pain his face contorting as the scorpions venomous sting sent a fiery surge through his arm
Number Challenge
A baby scorpion weighs 0.2 grams at birth and grows at a rate of 0.05 grams per week.
What will the scorpion weigh when it is 8 weeks old?
Critical Thinking
- All scorpions glow in the dark, when ultra-violet light is present (such as reflected light from the moon).
Why might it be useful for a scorpion to glow in the dark?