Morning Starters: Spring 2 - Plastic Planet
Did You Know?
Baby green sea turtles in the Caribbean sometimes eat plastic while crawling on floating seaweed mats, thinking it is food. Unfortunately, this plastic can cause serious injuries to their digestive systems and block their stomachs, making them very sick. The large amount of plastic pollution in their habitats is a significant threat to their survival. This situation emphasises how important it is to manage plastic waste better and reduce the pollution of the world’s oceans and seas.
Credit: Radio 5 Live - 5 Live in Short
Word Challenge
Make a list of the 4-syllable words that appear in the ‘Did You Know?’ paragraph.
Example: Car-ib-be-an
Grammar Challenge
Rewrite the sentence below, adding a fronted adverbial.
The tiny turtle clambered onto the seaweed carpet.
Example: Breathing its last gasps of air, the tiny turtle clambered onto the seaweed carpet.
Number Challenge
Green sea turtles are one of the world’s largest species of turtle, typically weighing between 65 kg and 130 kg.
How much did Herbie, the green sea turtle, weigh if his weight was halfway between the weights listed above?
Critical Thinking
What more can your school do to help tackle the ‘plastic problem?’