Home | Morning Starters | Year 6 | Solar System

Morning Starters: Spring 2 - Solar System


Did You Know?

There have been numerous successful attempts to land spacecraft on Mars. Commonly called rovers, these remote-controlled, unmanned machines are specially designed to explore Mars, taking rock samples and beaming back images of the red planet’s surface to mission control centres back on Earth.


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Credit: BBC NEWS

Word Challenge

Compile a list of all the words in the ‘Did you know?’ paragraph that contain doubled consonants

Example: successful, …

Note: Any letter that isn’t a vowel (a,e,i,o,u) is a consonant.

Grammar Challenge

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Rewrite the following sentence, using the passive voice.

The rover is transmitting high-resolution images back to Earth.

Number Challenge

For 12 hours, a rover travelled across the surface of Mars at a constant speed of 152 metres per hour.

How far did the Mars rover travel during the 12-hour period?

Critical Thinking

The head of Space X, Elon Musk, believes that it is important for humans to live on Mars.

Do you agree with this viewpoint? Why? Why not?