Home | Morning Starters | Year 6 | Microorganisms

Morning Starters: Spring 1 - Microorganisms


Did You Know?

Yeast is a single-celled microorganism. It is a type of fungi that occurs naturally, growing in soil and on plants. Although some yeasts are harmful to humans, most are incredibly helpful. Due to its ability to convert sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide gas, it is widely used in the food and drink industry.


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Credit: BBC News World Service: CrowdScience

Word Challenge

The word ‘microorganism‘ starts and ends with the letter ‘m.’

m  __________ m

List some more words that start and end in this way.

Grammar Challenge

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Complete the following sentence with a second independent clause that links closely to the first.

Yeast is essential for baking bread;

Example: Yeast is essential for baking bread; it helps the dough rise.

Number Challenge

In a science experiment, 500 yeast cells doubled every 40 minutes when they were put in warm water.

How many yeast cells were there after 4 hours?

Critical Thinking

In a competition, a yeast was awarded first prize for being nominated the most remarkable living organism!

Which living organism do you find most remarkable? Why do you think this?