Morning Starters: Autumn 1 - Teamwork
Did You Know?
Clownfish have been filmed working brilliantly together to roll a coconut shell along the ocean floor. Once tucked beneath their anemone home, the coconut has the perfect surface on which eggs can be laid. Surprisingly, all clownfish are born male and have the ability to switch their gender as they mature.
Credit: BBC One - Blue planet II
Word Challenge
Compound words are created when two or more words combine to form a new single word.
Example: team + work = teamwork
Make a list of the compound words that appear on this page.
Grammar Challenge
Rewrite the sentence below, adding a fronted adverbial.
The tenacious clownfish rolled the coconut past the enormous starfish.
Example: With remarkable determination, the tenacious clownfish rolled the coconut past the enormous starfish.
Number Challenge
Under the moonlight, 400 clownfish babies (fry) hatched from their eggs.
If 5% of the fry survive into adulthood, how many fry will not reach adulthood?
Critical Thinking
What are the main ingredients that make a great team player?