Morning Starters: Autumn 1 - Nature's Builders
Did You Know?
Termites are tiny insects that are capable of building towering structures called termite mounds. Inside each termite mound, there is a complex network of chambers, tunnels and ventilation shafts. The chambers are used as living quarters, nurseries and for food storage. The termites make the mounds from a mixture of soil, saliva and dung!
Word Challenge
A termite has three body parts: a head, thorax and abdomen. Similarly, many words have three parts or syllables.
List the three-syllable words that appear in the ‘Did you know?’ paragraph.
Example: ca-pa-ble
Grammar Challenge
Rewrite the following sentence with the main clause in a different position.
The termite mound could be seen from many miles away because of its great size.
Number Challenge
Two million termites were living together inside an enormous termite mound. A disease spread quickly through the mound, killing 75% of the termites inside.
How many termites survived?
Critical Thinking
If you were a termite, how would you feel about living in a mound with so many other termites?