Home | Morning Starters | Year 5 | Critically Endangered

Morning Starters: Summer1 - Critically Endangered


Did You Know?

Pangolins are endangered because they are hunted for their scales, which are used in traditional medicine, and for their meat, which is considered a delicacy in some parts of the world. Although their scales have no proven medicinal value, demand for them remains high. Additionally, their habitats are being lost as forests are cleared. Pangolins are among the most trafficked animals in the world, prompting conservation efforts to protect them and restore their populations.

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Word Challenge

How many different words can you make from just the letters that appear in the word ‘pangolins’?


pangolins – sign

pangolins – gains

Grammar Challenge

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Rewrite the sentence below, putting possessive apostrophes in the right places.

The pangolins scales shimmered in the sunlight, while their fathers watchful eyes scanned the surrounding for danger.

Number Challenge

Estimate the number of scales on the pangolin in the photo below.

Critical Thinking

What would you say to persuade a pangolin hunter to stop hunting them?