Home | Morning Starters | Year 5 | Critically Endangered

Morning Starters: Summer1 - Critically Endangered


Did You Know?

In eastern Russia and northern China, Amur leopards are remarkable hunters with incredible strength and agility, leaping up to 10 metres in a single bound! Sadly, only around 100 of these majestic cats remain in the wild due to habitat loss and poaching. Conservation teams are working hard to reintroduce them to protected areas, ensuring a safe environment where they can thrive.

Where in the world is Russia? Click the 🌍

Word Challenge

An antonym is a word that means the opposite of another word. For example, the antonym of ‘fire’ is ‘ice’.

Write the antonyms of the words underlined in the clip description.

Grammar Challenge

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What was the question if this was the felinologist’s reply?

“Amur leopards are threatened by poaching, habitat loss and climate change.”

Fact: A felinologist is a scientist who studies cats.

Number Challenge

An Amur leopard leaves 400 paw prints per kilometre in the snow.

How many metres will the leopard have travelled if it leaves 1,000 paw prints in the snow? 

Critical Thinking

If you had the chance to be either an Amur leopard or a domestic cat for a day, which would you choose and why?

Free Cat Pet photo and picture