Morning Starters: Summer 1 - Teamwork
Did You Know?
Humpback whales are remarkable team players when hunting. One whale creates a ‘bubble net’ by blowing a ring of bubbles around a school of fish, trapping them inside. Then, the group lunges upward in unison to feed on the captured fish. This cooperative strategy is crucial for their survival in the vast ocean, where working together increases their chances of finding food.
Word Challenge
Write a synonym for each underlined word.
Help: A synonym is a word that has the same or a similar meaning to another word.
Grammar Challenge
Connect the two sentences below to create a single sentence, using the ‘best’ conjunction from the list above.
A bubble net was created. The whales waited with wide-open mouths.
Help: The sentence could start with a conjunction.
Number Challenge
Fact: An average-sized humpback whale will eat between 2,000 and 2,500 kg of plankton, krill and small each day.
What is the difference in weight between the minimum and maximum amount of food an average-sized humpback whale eats in a fortnight (14 days)?
Critical Thinking
Is it better to have many different ideas or just one good idea in a team? Why do you think this?