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Morning Starters: Summer 1 - Teamwork


Did You Know?

Clownfish are known for their teamwork in the ocean. When they find a small coconut shell, they work together to move it to a safe location where it can be used as a nursery for their young. This cooperation allows them to create a stable and safe environment for their eggs, showing the strength of teamwork even among fish.

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Word Challenge

Create a word cloud of words connected to the word ‘teamwork’. 

Note: The more important the word, the bigger and bolder it must be.

Grammar Challenge

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Rewrite the following sentence, using different adjectives to those underlined.

The colourful clownfish nudged the weathered coconut shell across the sandy sea floor.

Number Challenge

Fact: There are 28 species of clownfish living in the warm waters of the Indian and the Pacific oceans.

The number 28 is a ‘perfect number.’ A perfect number is a number that equals the sum of its factors (excluding itself).

1 + 2 + 4 + 7 + 14 = 28

Are there any other perfect numbers that are smaller than 28? 

Critical Thinking

Is trust an important part of teamwork? Why do you think this?