Morning Starters: Summer 1 - Four Seasons
Did You Know?
Summer’s warmth brings a burst of life to British wildlife. Plants grow rapidly, producing flowers and fruits to attract animals. Bees and butterflies pollinate flowers, while birds and mammals raise their young, feeding on the abundance of food available. Long days give animals extra time to hunt and explore. For nature, summer is a time to achieve growth and prepare for future seasons.
Word Challenge
Identify and write the correct spelling of each back-to-front word listed below:
1) etanillop
2) elbaliava
3) ecnadnuba
4) eveihca
Grammar Challenge
Write a sentence about Summer that includes personification.
The scent of wildflowers danced on the wind.
Summer’s warmth wrapped itself around the meadow.
Help: Personification is when we give something that isn’t human, human qualities or actions.
Number Challenge
In 2024, the Summer season started on the 20th of June and ended on the 22nd of September .
How long (in days) was the Summer season in 2024?
Critical Thinking
Draw a pair of sunglasses that match your personality.