Home | Morning Starters | Year 5 | The Planets

Morning Starters: Spring 2 - The Planets


Did You Know?

Mars is a dry, rocky, and cold planet, but it’s one of Earth’s closest neighbors, along with Venus. It’s easy to spot in the night sky as a bright red dot. Billions of years ago, Mars was home to the largest waterfall in our solar system, which carved deep canyons as water rushed across its surface!

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Word Challenge

My very eager mother just served us noodles.”

Use the above mnemonic to list the planets in their order from the sun.

Now create your own ‘planet order’ mnemonic.

Grammar Challenge

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Choose one of the following sentences and complete it with an effective simile.

1) The planet’s gigantic waterfalls were like …

2) The planet glowed in the night sky like …


The planet glowed in the night sky like a burning ember.

Number Challenge

Fact: One year on Mars is 687 Earth days. This is almost twice as long as one year on Earth.

Reach a target of 243 by using some (or all) of the 4 operations and the following numbers:

Help: You could make the numbers 700  and 13 and use subtraction to reach the target number.

Critical Thinking

A Mars rover is a robotic machine that is designed to explore the surface of Mars.

Make a quick sketch of a Mars rover and label its key features.