Morning Starters: Spring 2 - Super Parents
Did You Know?
Male seahorses are super dads, carrying eggs in a special pouch and even giving birth! At nightfall and with the soundtrack of the ocean, they carefully time the arrival of their babies with plankton blooms – periods when tiny sea creatures are plentiful. This ensures their newborns have enough food to eat immediately after birth. These dedicated fathers provide a perfect example of the incredible lengths wildlife will go to protect offspring.
Word Challenge
‘Seahorse’ is a compound word. It is formed by joining together the words ‘sea’ and ‘horse’.
List some different compound words that appear on this page.
Grammar Challenge
Rewrite the sentence below, adding a relative clause.
The baby seahorses were given the best possible start.
The baby seahorses, which drifted away on an ocean current, were given the best possible start.
Note: A relative clause can start with the following relative pronouns: where, which, who, whose, when and that.
Number Challenge
Fact: A male seahorse can give birth to up to 2,000 babies at a time!
What could the missing numbers be?
Critical Thinking
Like the seahorse, the newly-discovered wavefox has a remarkable appearance that helps it survive in the ocean.
Make a quick sketch of the wavefox.