Morning Starters: Spring 1 - Woodland Wonders
Did You Know?
Fallow deer are a common sight in British woodlands, but they’re not native. They were brought to Britain after the Norman invasion, when William the Conqueror created protected forests. Within these forests, deer had more rights than people, just so he could hunt them for his pleasure. These graceful animals, with their spotted coats, now thrive in woodlands across the UK.
Word Challenge
List the words in the ‘Did you know?’ paragraph that have 8 letters.
Grammar Challenge
Rewrite the sentence below, adding a relative clause.
A majestic deer moved silently through the forest
A majestic deer, whose antlers gleamed in the sunlight , moved silently through the forest
Help: A relative clause can start with the following relative pronouns: where, which, who, whose, when and that.
Number Challenge
Fact: William the Conqueror invaded England in1066.
How many years ago did William the Conqueror invade England?
Critical Thinking
Why do you think the hunting of wild animals, such as deer, pheasants, rabbits and foxes, still takes place in the UK?