Morning Starters: Spring 1 - Woodland Wonders
Did You Know?
Woodpeckers are easy to recognise in British woodlands by their loud, distinctive tapping sounds. The great spotted woodpecker, with its black, white and red feathers, is one of the most familiar woodpecker species. These birds drum on tree trunks to communicate, find food and create nest holes. Their tough skulls protect them from injury as they hammer away at up to 40 times per second.
Word Challenge
Write the correct spelling of each back-to-front word listed below:
1) etacinummoc
2) evitcnitsid
3) seiceps
4) esingocer
Grammar Challenge
Write a sentence about the appearance or actions of a woodpecker that includes a simile.
The woodpecker’s tapping filled the air like the ticking of a forest clock.
Number Challenge
A woodpecker starts tapping against a tree at a rate of 40 taps per second.
How many times will it tap the tree in 5 minutes?
Critical Thinking
Make a list of the different sounds that you might hear in a British woodland.
A woodpecker tapping
The rustling of leaves underfoot