Morning Starters: Spring 1 - Resilience
Did You Know?
In Hawaii, tiny fish called gobies scale huge waterfalls. It’s a task that requires tremendous bravery and resilience! These rock-climbing fish attach themselves to slippery rocks with their sucker-like fins and slowly move upward, inch by inch. For a fish so small, this journey is especially challenging but the reward is great: At the top of the waterfall, fresh water pools provide the fish with places to feed and breed in safety.
Where in the world is Hawaii? Click the 🌍
Word Challenge
Which words or phrases have a similar meaning to the word ‘resilient’?
Grammar Challenge
Write a descriptive sentence that includes the following words:
With quiet determination, the goby inched its way up the rockface of the roaring waterfall.
Number Challenge
A goby climbed two-fifths of a 30 metre waterfall.
How much further does it need to climb?
Critical Thinking
“Fall seven times, stand up eight.”
What is the true meaning of this famous Japanese proverb?