Home | Morning Starters | Year 5 | Plastic Planet

Morning Starters: Spring 1 - Plastic Planet


Did You Know?

Even if you live far from the coast, the plastic you use can still end up in the ocean. About 80% of the plastic in our seas comes from land. Plastic left on streets doesn’t stay there; rain and wind can carry it into streams, rivers, or drains, which lead to the ocean. Some plastics, like cotton buds, are flushed down toilets and also reach the sea. Plastic waste can last for hundreds of years. By working together and doing our bit, we all have an important role to play in reducing this plastic problem.

Word Challenge

Homographs are words that are spelled the same, have different meanings and can sometimes sound different.


  • play – to play football
  • play – to act in a play

Find and list other homographs that appear on this page.

Grammar Challenge

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Copy and complete the sentence below with the girl’s spoken words.

As she picked up another piece of plastic, the girl exclaimed, “_______________ !”

Number Challenge

Here is a stretch of beach littered with plastic.

Free pollution environment plastic illustration

Around how many plastic items are there per square metre of beach?

Critical Thinking

The environment is no one’s property to destroy; it’s everyone’s responsibility to protect.”

Do you agree with the above statement? Why do you think this?