Home | Morning Starters | Year 5 | Strange but True

Morning Starters: Autumn 2 - Strange but True


Did You Know?

In 2015, divers off the coast of Turkey discovered a mysterious, giant sphere floating in the water. Measuring about 4 metres wide, this clear, ghostly structure turned out to be a massive cluster of squid eggs! Squid are intelligent marine animals belonging to the cephalopod family, known for their soft, torpedo-shaped bodies, eight arms, and two long tentacles.
Where in the world is Turkey? Click the 🌍

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Word Challenge


The letter combination (digraph) ‘qu‘ typically makes a ‘kw’ sound in English.

Make a list of words that contain the ‘qu’ digraph.


squid, question, squash, …

Grammar Challenge

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Copy and complete the sentence below by telling the reader what the diver is doing as she is speaking.

“I’ve never seen anything like this before!” __________________ .


“I’ve never seen anything like this before!” exclaimed the diver as she shone her torch on the translucent sphere.

Number Challenge

  • The colossal squid is the world’s largest squid species. It can be found living at depths of 1,800 metres.

Which of the following number sentences does not equal 1,800?

A) 18,000 ÷ 10  B) 180 x 10  C) 9 x 200  D) 60 x 40

Now write your own Odd One Out number problem, where 1,800 is the answer to 3 out of 4 number sentences.

Critical Thinking

Create a PMI chart that has the title ‘Scuba Diving’

Plus (+) Minus (-) Interesting (I)

Note: In a PMI chart, ‘P’ stands for ‘plus’ (positive aspects), ‘M’ stands for ‘minus’ (negative aspects) and ‘I’ stands for ‘interesting’ (things you are curious to know).

Free Diver Diving photo and picture