Home | Morning Starters | Year 5 | Strange but True

Morning Starters: Autumn 2 - Strange but True


Did You Know?

At a golf course in Brisbane, Australia, golfers were surprised to spot fins breaking the surface of a lake. The fins belonged to bull sharks, marine predators known for their aggressive nature. These sharks likely swam into the area during a flood and became trapped. Remarkably, bull sharks are one of the few species that can thrive in both saltwater and freshwater environments. As potential man-eaters, they pose a significant danger, making the retrieval of stray golf balls from the lake a potentially deadly task!

Where in the world is Brisbane? Click the 🌍

Word Challenge

Unscramble the following words:

1) ronenvimenst



4) rprisedsu

Hint: The words all appear in the first  three sentences of the ‘Did you know?’ paragraph.

Grammar Challenge

Click text to edit

The golfers were deeply concerned. A fin was spotted in the lake.

Copy and link the two simple sentences above, selecting the best conjunction from the list below.

Conjunctions: when, but, while, because, so, for, after, although, since, as, yet

Number Challenge

  • Female bull sharks are bigger than males, weighing around 315 kilograms.

Can you reach (or get close to) a target number of 315 by using some or all of the following numbers:

20   30   50   6   7   4   2

Note: You can add, subtract, divide or multiply numbers .

Critical Thinking

Should the bull sharks be removed from the golf course lake?  Explain your reasoning.