Home | Morning Starters | Year 5 | Resourcefulness

Morning Starters: Autumn 2 - Resourcefulness


Did You Know?

Found only in the forests of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DCR), Bonobos are a type of primate that are closely related to chimpanzees. One remarkable bonobo, named Kanzi, has achieved something extraordinary. He has learned to build a fire, light it with matches and even toast marshmallows! Kanzi’s abilities are a powerful reminder of how resourceful and creative some animals can be.
Where in the world is the DCR?  Click the 🌍

Credit: BBC One - Monkey Planet

Word Challenge

Many long words have shorter words hiding within them.


marshmallows: marsh, Mars, mall, all, allows, lows

Carefully copy the words underlined in the ‘Did you know?’ section and list all of the words that are hiding within them. 

Grammar Challenge

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Rewrite the sentence below, using alternative adjectives to those underlined.

The brilliant bonobo’s crackling fire was perfect for toasting mouthwatering marshmallows.

Number Challenge

Fact: Bonobos are highly social animals, often living in large communities of up to 120 individuals.

If a group of 120 bonobos decided to divide into smaller groups of equal size, how many bonobos would be in each group?


2 groups with 60 bonobos in each group

Critical Thinking

If Kansi could talk, what would you like to ask him?