Home | Morning Starters | Year 5 | Marvellous Moon

Morning Starters: Autumn 2 - Marvellous Moon


Did You Know?

The Moon exists because a planet the size of Mars collided with the early Earth billions of years ago. The crash sent rock and debris into space, where it clumped together to form the Moon. In its early existence, the Moon was a fiery place with active volcanoes spewing lava. Over time, it cooled into the rocky and quiet companion we now see in the night sky.

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Word Challenge

Write an acrostic poem based on the word ‘MOON’. 

Mystical and bright
Orbiting the Earth each night
Over mountains it shines
Night sky’s friend divine

Grammar Challenge

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The animals came out when the Hunter’s Moon lit up the forest.

Rewrite the sentence above, upgrading it in the following ways:

1) Add some awesome adjectives.

2) Replace the verbs with more powerful ones.

3) Add a relative clause.

Number Challenge

Solve the emoji puzzle by calculating the value of the Earth, Sun and Moon.

🌍 + 🌍 + 🌍 =  42

🌍 + 🌍 x ☀️ =  56

🌙 x ☀️ + ☀️ = 102

🌍 x 🌙 + ☀️ =  ?

Critical Thinking

If the moon had feelings, what would they be and why?