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Morning Starters: Autumn 1 - Teamwork


Did You Know?

Ants are excellent team players, and their success is due to their marvellous organisation. Despite living together in huge numbers, each individual has a specific role that benefits the entire colony. Some ants are workers, foraging for food and bringing it back to the nest. Others are soldiers, protecting the nest from intruders, while some serve as cleaners, removing dead ants, waste and keeping the nest clean and hygienic.

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Credit: BBC Two - Natural World

Word Challenge

Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check

Use the above strategy to learn the spelling of each underlined word.

Grammar Challenge

Click text to edit

Rewrite the following sentence with different adjectives.

The determined wood ants scurried across the forest floor, each carrying a tasty item.

Help: Adjectives describe nouns.

Number Challenge

Fact: Ants are insects. All insects have six legs.

Write some number sentences that equal 6.


120 ÷ 20 = 6

48 ÷ 8 = 1.5 x 4

Critical Thinking

“A team always needs a leader.”

Is this always, sometimes or never true? Why do you think this?