Home | Morning Starters | Year 5 | Riveting Rockpools

Morning Starters: Autumn 1 - Riveting Rockpools


Did You Know?

Limpets are commonly found in rockpools. Most of the time, they can be seen with their cone-shaped shells firmly attached to rocks. Although they may appear harmless, limpets can be surprisingly tough and aggressive when necessary. If a starfish attempts to attack, a limpet will lift its shell off the rock and begin rotating. The sharp edge of its shell can cause significant damage to the starfish’s tubed feet. This clever defense strategy helps limpets stay safe in their rocky homes.

Credit: BBC Four - The Secret Life of Rockpools

Word Challenge

The word ‘starfish’ is a compound word, made by combining two different words – ‘star’ and ‘fish.’

Make a list of compact words.


strawberry, cupcake, …

Grammar Challenge

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Write a descriptive sentence that starts in the following way.

The starfish’s arm was damaged because …


The starfish’s arm was damaged because it had snagged it on a jagged rock.

Number Challenge

What mathematical things can you say about the image below?

Free Lone Star Star vector and picture

Critical Thinking

What do you consider to be the main similarities and differences between a starfish and a limpet?