Home | Morning Starters | Year 5 | Plant Parts

Morning Starters: Autumn 1 - Plant Parts


Did You Know?

Roots are the hardworking heroes of the plant world, developing a strong foundation by anchoring plants in place and absorbing essential water and nutrients. In India’s Meghalaya state, The Khasi people of India have discovered something truly extraordinary: they train the roots of fig trees to grow into living bridges! These ancient structures are so strong they can accommodate many people at once and last for centuries, making them a true wonder of the natural world.

Where in the world is the state of Meghalaya? Click the 🌍

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Word Challenge

Copy and correct just the words (listed below) that have a spelling error:

1) acommodate

2) developing

3) extraordinery

4) esential

Help: The words appear in the ‘Did you know?’ paragraph.

Grammar Challenge

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Write a simile about the roots of a fig tree that starts in the following way.

The roots of the fig tree were like ..


The roots of the fig tree were like spider’s legs, reaching out in all directions.

Number Challenge

Roots also exist in the world of mathematics!

– The square root of 9 is 3, because 3 × 3 = 9.

– The square root of 16 is 4, because 4 × 4 = 16

Calculate the square roots of the following numbers:

1) 49    2) 81   3) 144   4) 10,000

Critical Thinking

Describe the different ways that humans use plant parts.


Roots are used for food and to build living bridges.