Home | Morning Starters | Year 5 | Life Cycles

Morning Starters: Autumn 1 - Life Cycles


Did You Know?

A frog’s life cycle is an amazing journey of transformation. It starts as a jelly-like egg that hatches into a wriggling tadpole, complete with a tail and gills. Over time, the tadpole grows legs, loses its tail and develops lungs – an epic reconstruction to become an amphibian that can leap around on land.

Credit: BBC Four - Metamorphosis: The Science of Change

Word Challenge

The word ‘transformation’ ends in the ‘shun’ sound.

Make a list of words that end in the ‘shun’ sound. 

Help: Words ending in ‘-tion’. ‘-cian’ and ‘-sion’ also make the ‘shun’ sound.

Grammar Challenge

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Rewrite the sentence below with different adjectives to those underlined.

Surrounded by floating lily pads, the slender-tailed tadpole swam across the milky pond.

Number Challenge

Approximately how many eggs are there in this clump of frogspawn? 

Free Frog Spawn Spawn photo and picture

Critical Thinking

Fact: Some frog species have taken to the air, gliding from tree to tree.

Describe or draw what you think a flying frog looks like.