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Morning Starters: Autumn 1 - Life Cycles


Did You Know?

Caterpillars undergo an incredible transformation to become butterflies! First, the tiny caterpillars munch on leaves, growing rapidly. Then, they form a protective chrysalis, where the real magic happens. Inside, their bodies completely change – a process called metamorphosis. After this, they emerge as beautiful butterflies with colourful wings, ready to fly.

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Credit: BBC Two - The Wonders of Nature

Word Challenge

Fact: Butterflies have 3 main body parts: a head, a thorax and an abdomen.

List the 3-syllable words that appear in the ‘Did you know?’ paragraph.



Grammar Challenge

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Rewrite the sentence below, adding a ‘when the action took place’ fronted adverbial.

The butterfly emerged from its chrysalis.


After a long transformation, the butterfly emerged from its chrysalis.

Number Challenge

Fact: Caterpillars are eating machines, increasing their body mass 6,000 times in just a few weeks!

Write the 6,000 times table, using your knowledge of the 6 times table.


6,000 x 1 = 6,000

6,000 x 2 = 12,000

Critical Thinking

What do you think have been the biggest changes in your life so far?