Morning Starters: Autumn 1 - Life Cycles
Did You Know?
Credit: BBC One - Mammals
Word Challenge
The prefix ‘super’ means ‘above’, ‘beyond’ or ‘greater’.
List some words that start with the prefix ‘super’.
Grammar Challenge
Write a sentence about a harp seal pup, its mother or the Arctic wilderness that includes a metaphor.
The pup’s blubber is a padded duvet, protecting it from the icy cold.
Help: A metaphor compares two unrelated things by stating one is the other.
Number Challenge
Fact: A baby harp seal spends around 243 days developing in its mothers womb before it is born.
Reach a target of 243 by using some (or all) of the 4 operations and the following numbers:
Help: Partition the target number first.
Critical Thinking
What do harp seals and humans have in common?
Can you think of something that no-one else will have thought of?