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Morning Starters: Autumn 1 - Life Cycles


Did You Know?

Every living thing has a life cycle, and each one is wonderfully unique! A life cycle shows how creatures grow, change and reproduce. For example, birds hatch from eggs, develop feathers and eventually achieve flight. Amphibians begin life as tadpoles in water before undergoing a dramatic transformation. Mammals start life inside their mothers, where they are equipped with the necessary nutrients to grow.

Credit: BBC Two - Science Clips

Word Challenge

Look, Say, Cover, Write, Check

Use the above strategy to learn the spelling of each underlined word.

Grammar Challenge

Click text to edit

Proofread the following sentence and rewrite with corrections.

Their are six stages in the human life cycle: foetus baby childhood adolescence adulthood and old age

Number Challenge

Fact: Life cycle diagrams are often circular.

What mathematical things can you say about a circle?

Critical Thinking

A life cycle is something that goes round and round.

Make a list of things that go round and round. 


Clock hands, gears, …