Statistics (pictograms, bar charts & line graphs): The Wormery

2 - The Problem

The Problem

Mr Wormwood was a keen gardener and mathematician. He decided to buy a wormery for his garden so that he could make compost from his food waste.

Mr Wormwood decided to construct a bar chart that would show all of the worms in his wormery (shown opposite) and their different sizes.

The start of Mr Wormwood’s bar chart can be seen below. How might it have looked when it was completed? 

Did you know?

Many animals love feasting on juicy worms. Badgers will eat hundreds of worms in a single evening. Whilst there are actually many types of earthworm, badgers prefer one particular type of earthworm known as ‘Lumbricus terrestris.’

Visualising the Problem and Getting Started

Which pieces of information are missing from Mr Wormwood’s bar chart?

Maddie said, “The longest worms in Mr Wormood’s wormery must be between 71 mm and 100 mm.” Is Maddie right? How do you know?