Number (patterns): Hungry Bear
The Problem
One evening, Barney (a 22-year-old black bear) searched for discarded food items in 10 different wheelie bins. However, Barney was a fussy eater, and not every item of food passed his taste test. In fact, Barney took a disliking to one out of every eight food items that he removed from the bins. Each time, he would throw this item on the floor and eat the remaining items.
If Barney removed 112 items from the bins, how many items did he eat? How do you know?

Did you know?
In some parts of the United States, American black bears will break into cars and houses in their search for food.
Visualising the Problem and Getting Started
Benji said, “The most important piece of information in this problem is the fact that Barney rummaged through 10 wheelie bins.”
Disuss with a partner whether or not you agree with Benji.
How might a table help you with this problem and what should the column headings be?