Number (negative numbers): Above and Below

3 - Further Challenges

Inspired by Nature Worksheet

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Further Challenges

In an area of shallow ocean, a variety of different animals (including flying fish, black-feathered frigate birds and yellow-finned dorado) can be found. You can see these animals and others in the ocean scene below. You’ll notice that the sea level is marked at 0 m on the scale. The depth of the ocean is 44 m.

Can you create a set of questions for a partner that will require them to calculate the distance different creatures in the ocean scene are apart? e.g. What is the distance from the beak of the highest flying frigate bird to the top of the shell?

  • Tug Harder is a fabulous game on the Nrich website that consolidates knowledge of negative numbers and their relationship to positive numbers.

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Related Clip

Flying fish must escape frigate birds from above and dorado fish from below.

Credit: BBC One – The Hunt