Number (multiplication and division): Safety in Numbers

2 - The Problem

The Problem

After leaving the nursery pool for the open ocean, a pod of fur seals split into equal groups. (Swimming in a group, rather than on its own, makes a fur seal less vulnerable to an attack by a predator such as a great white shark.)

A pod of seals with 10 members (opposite) could divide into equal groups of 2, 5 or 10 to avoid the risk of being eaten by a shark.

Teacher note: Groups of 1 aren’t listed due the seal vulnerability fact mentioned above.

However, there are more options available to a pod of 12 seals as it can divide into equal groups of 2, 3, 4, 6 or 12.

Which pod size below 50 would offer the fur seals the greatest number of equal group options?

Did you Know?

A female New Zealand fur seal will have her first pup at between 4 and 6 years of age. She will continue giving birth to a single pup every year until her death.

Visualising the Problem and Getting Started