Number (multiplication and division): Robin & Wild Boar

3 - Further Challenges

Inspired by Nature Worksheet

Click to download. Best opened in Microsoft Word on all devices.

Further Challenges

  • With a partner, think about what would happen if Rachel found 23 worms. Is there still a way of sharing these equally amongst the robin and song thrush chicks? Is there more than one solution to this problem? How do you know?
  • If a wild boar cleared a patch of snow that was 16 square metres. What lengths might the sides of this area be?
  • The 24 Game is a fabulous problem-solving activity on the Nrich website that will reinforce mental arithmetic, estimation and the importance of the order of operations.

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Related Clip

In the depths of winter, moles also help robins find food.

Credit: BBC One – Life in the Snow