Number (multiplication and division): Bugs in Amber

3 - Further Challenges

Inspired by Nature Worksheet

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Further Challenges

Though rare, crabs are sometimes found fossilised in amber. Crabs are decapods. Decapods are creatures with 10 legs.

  • Dr Jones’ lumps of amber now contained a mixture of insects, arachnids and decapods. If he counted 86 legs in total and each lump contained a single creature, how many lumps did he have that contained an insect? An arachnid? A decapod? Can you convince a friend that you have found all possible solutions?
  • Multiplication Square Jigsaw is a fabulous problem solving interactivity on the Nrich website that provides a motivating context for practising the times tables.

Related Clip

The 100 million-year-old fossilised bee that became trapped in amber.

Credit: BBC Two – How to Grow a Planet