Home | KS2 Maths Lessons | Number (fractions) | Slithering Snakes

Number (fractions): Slithering Snakes

2 - The Problem

The Problem

Mr Scales was a keen mathematician who loved reptiles. He decided to record the lengths of different snake species on squared paper (see opposite). Mr Scales discovered that the longest snake ever to have lived was the now extinct titan boa.

Can you use your knowledge of fractions to make different comparative statements about the snakes that Mr Scales recorded?

Did you know?

There are around 600 venomous snakes. Venom is made in a snake’s salivary glands. It gets pushed out through the reptile’s fangs and into its prey. With lengths up to 5.7 m long, the king cobra is the world’s longest venomous snake.

Visualising the Problem and Getting Started

Joseph said, “Mr Scales recorded a Burmese python that was half the length of the titan boa.”

Do you agree with Joseph? How do you know?

Maryam said, “Mr Scales recorded a reticulated python that was one and a third times the length of the Burmese python.”

Do you agree with Maryam? How do you know?