Number (fractions): Mango Tree

2 - The Problem

The Problem

In Kasanka National Park, there were 24 juicy mangoes on a mango tree (see picture opposite). It wasn’t long before five straw-coloured fruit bats arrived at the tree one at a time. The number of mangoes that each bat ate is described below.

If all the mangoes on the tree were eaten, how many mangoes did the fifth fruit bat to arrive at the tree eat?

What fraction of the total amount of mangoes that were on the tree to begin with did the fifth fruit bat eat?

Did you know?

Each straw-coloured fruit bat has its own unique scent and call. This allows mothers to find their young in large colonies of millions of individuals.

Visualising the Problem and Getting Started

How might you complete and use the bar model below to find out how many mangoes the first bat ate?

How might you use the same bar model to find out how many mangoes were left on the tree?