Number (fractions): Helping Hawks
Challenge Level ⭐⭐⭐⭐
(designed for children with prior knowledge of the Year 6 programme of study)
Learning Objective
We are learning how to solve a natural world problem by using and applying our knowledge and skills of number, fractions, decimals and percentages.
Useful Prior Knowledge:
- To use equivalences between simple fractions and percentages
- To round decimals for estimation
- To read and interpret tables
Credit: BBC Two - Liz Bonnin's Wild Caribbean
Clip Description
The Ridgway’s hawk is one of the most critically endangered birds of prey in the world with just 500 individuals remaining. Deforestation, wildfires, egg theft, collapsing nests and botfly parasites are just some of the many threats that this maginficent raptor has had to face in the wild.
In this fascinating clip, we learn how conservationists in the Dominican Republic are helping bring back the Ridgway’s hawk from the brink of extinction. Why might saving this bird species be a difficult and risky undertaking? Watch the clip to find out.
Quick Whiteboard Challenge
Use the following conversion fact to answer the question below.
1 foot is approximately equal in length to 30 centimetres.
What is the approximate height in metres of a palm tree that measures 50 feet?
Teacher note: Childen could mark out this length in the playground and/or compare the height with heights known in the school environment.