Number (fractions): Animal Classification
The Problem
Professor Greenfingers drew a bar chart (opposite) to show the number of vertebrates and invertebrates that he spotted in his garden one summer’s day.
As a keen mathematician, he decided to record some statements (below) about the animals that he spotted using his knowledge of number and fractions.
Which of the professor’s statements are true? Which are false? How do you know?
Professor Greenfinger’s statements
“A quarter of all the invertebrates that I spotted are spiders.”
“Three quarters of all the animals that I spotted are invertebrates.”

Did you know?
When feeling threatened, ladybirds will secrete an oily, foul-tasting fluid from the joints in their legs.
Visualising the Problem and Getting Started
Megan said, “First of all, I will record the number of invertebrates and the number of vertebrates that Professor Greenfingers spotted in his garden.”
What will you do first and why?