Number (estimation): Respiratory Rate
The Problem
Breathing is something that we all do – often without realising it!
Working with a partner or small group, can you give a reasonable estimate for the amount of times you breathe in and out during the time you spend at school in a single day?
Once you have discussed ways to work out your estimation, decide which method you will use.
Compare your estimation to that of another partnership or group. Explore the reasons for any similarities and/or differences.
Did you know?
A cheetah’s rapid acceleration requires a rapid intake of oxygen. Its respiration rate rockets from 60 to 150 breaths per minute. Such a rapid increase in oxygen helps this remarkable animal to hit a top speed of 120 kilometresper hour in just 3 seconds!
Visualising the Problem and Getting Started
Discuss with a partner which of the following facts relating to humans and breathing might be useful when calculating how many times you breathe in and out during the time you spend at school in a single day.