Number (addition and subtraction): Rabbit Island
The Problem
On Rabbit Island, 4 tourists entered a courtyard to feed the rabbits that lived there. Shortly afterwards, each tourist had more than 40 rabbits sitting on top of them!
You’ll notice that the courtyard is divided into smaller squares. Each square shows the number of rabbits within it. Altogether, there are 1,000 rabbits inside the courtyard and each square has a different number of rabbits.
Can you work out how many rabbits there could be on top of each tourist?

Did you know?
Rabbits are very social creatures that live in groups. They live in warrens – a series of tunnels and rooms that they dig underground.
Visualising the Problem and Getting Started
Mabel said, “The first thing that I will do is add together all of the numbers shown on the courtyard map.”
Do you agree with Mabel? How do you know?