Measurement (money): Eco-Craft Fair

2 - The Problem

The Problem

An eco-craft fair was due to be held in Orchard Primary’s school hall. The school needed to raise £50 from the fair so that they could construct a plastic bottle greenhouse in the school garden. Four different craft items, made by members of the school’s eco council, would be on sale at the fair. You can see each item and their price opposite. (Reducing and reusing everyday plastic in this way is a great way to help the planet!)

How many craft items would need to be sold to raise the exact money needed for the greenhouse?  

How many different solutions are you able to find? 

Did you know?

Balloons and balloon fragments are the deadliest kinds of marine pollution for seabirds, killing almost one in five birds that swallow this soft plastic.

Visualising the Problem and Getting Started

Aisha said, “It is possible to make the exact amount by just selling bottle bird feeders.”

Do you agree with Aisha? How do you know?