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Measurement (money): Critically Endangered

2 - The Problem

The Problem

The amounts of money that you can give an animal charity each month to ‘virtually’ adopt an orangutan are shown in the table below.

(The money raised by ‘virtual’ animal adoptions is used by organisations and charities to protect endangered animals and their habitats.) 

Class 3M decided to have a book sale so that they could raise enough money for the charity and adopt an orangutan for one year.  All of the money the class raised in the book sale is shown opposite.

Which of the three monthly amounts (£3, £5 or £10) did class 3M choose?

How do you know?

Did you know?

One of the main reasons that orangutan numbers have fallen so rapidly is due to the destruction of their rainforest habitat, much of which has been replaced by enormous palm oil plantations.

Visualising the Problem and Getting Started

Martha said, “There are more silver coins than gold coins. This means that the amount raised in silver coins was more than the amount raised in gold coins.” Do you agree with Martha? Explain your answer to a partner.

Discuss with a partner the quickest way to find out how much the 3M book sale raised.