Measurement (length): Saguaro Seeds

2 - The problem

The Problem

The map opposite shows 6 different sites (A, B, C, D, E and F), where the seeds of a saguaro cactus were scattered in the droppings of 6 different animal species. The animals responsible for scattering the seeds were a dove, a tortoise, a woodpecker, a coyote, a bat and an ant.

With a partner, use the clue cards (shown below the map) to work out which animal was responsible for which site of seeds.

Discuss with your partner whether there were any cards that you didn’t need to use. 

Did you know?

Gila woodpeckers peck nest holes in a saguaro’s stem using their beak.They lay eggs and raise their chicks inside the holes. When a woodpecker family leaves its nest hole, owls, sparrows, finches and other birds will often move in.

Visualising the Problem and Getting Started

Alicia said, “The picture below shows 3 sites containing seeds that were scattered more than 5 m away from the parent plant.” Do you agree with Alicia?