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Geometry (angles): Charlotte's Web

3 - Further Challenges

Inspired by Nature Worksheet

Click to download. Best opened in Microsoft Word on all devices.

Further Challenges

  • Look at the letters in your own name. How many acute angles, obtuse angles and right angles can you find?
  • Look closely at the spider’s web (covered in dew drops) below. You will notice lots of angles. How many right angles can you see? How many acute angles can you see? How many obtuse angles can you see? How will you keep a record of the different angles?

Cobweb, Web, Dew, Drip, Raindrop, Dewdrops

  • Estimating Angles is a fabulous game on the NRICH website, which will give you an opportunity to improve your ability to estimate angles.


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Related Clip

A spider the size of a thumbnail produces an incredible amount of silk.

Credit: BBC One – The Hunt