Contributor lessons: Chubb Nests
Challenge Level ⭐⭐⭐
Learning Objective
We are learning how to solve a natural world problem by using and applying our skills and knowledge of area.
Useful Prior knowledge:
- To understand how to calculate the area of a shape using the formula l x w
- To understand how to find the area of an object inside a shape.
Clip Description
In the Mississippi River, USA the river chub is a remarkable fish. It picks up stones with its mouth and moves them to a make a pile. These piles can be a metre high and 30 cm wide and they use them as a refuge for their eggs.
In this fascinating clip, we see the river chub in action making a rock nest with 1000’s of different size and shaped rocks. Watch the clip to find out how.
Quick Whiteboard Challenge
If a pile of stones had a diameter of 1m how many piles could fit on a stretch of river that is 30m long and 5m wide?
How many more piles could fit on a river stretch that is 40m long?