Column subtraction: Lesson 2: elephants
The Lesson
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In this exciting lesson, you will need to solve a range of subtraction word problems that feature elephants. Try using PAWS to arrive at the right answer!
P = Picture the problem in your mind.
A = Annotate the word problem by highlighting the important information.
W = Write down the number sentence that needs to be solved.
S = Solve the number sentence using an efficient strategy.
Useful prior knowledge:
- To confidently subtract a 2-digit number from a 3-digit number (with one or more exchanges).
Did you know?
In a single day, an African elephant can drink 200 litres of water. Water is sucked up at high speed through its trunk, before being squirted into its mouth (and often over its body to help it cool down in the baking sun).
Use PAWS, counters and column subtraction to solve the following word problem.
249 herbivores were drinking water at a bend in the Mara River. Of these creatures, 58 were African elephants. The remaining animals were zebras and wildebeest.
How many zebras and wildebeest were drinking water at the river bend?