Writing Activities: Year 2
Mandarin duck
Mandarin ducks originally came from China, but now there are lots living across the UK. They like to eat insects, vegetation and seeds. Whilst the female’s colours are quite dull, the male has long orange feathers across his body.
In this clip, we will see some mandarin ducklings hatching.
Credit: BBC Two - Springwatch
Literacy idea
Imagine you are a mandarin duckling that has just hatched. Write a sense poem about what you can hear, see, smell, taste and feel.
I can hear ………………………
I can see ………………………….
I can smell ……………………….
I can taste ………………………..
I can feel ………………………….
Once you have finished, read it out loud to a family member or friend.
Wider Curriculum idea
With the help of a grown up, make some duck finger-puppets from iheartcraftythings.com*
Make sure you only do this activity with adult supervision!
*Please note that this site is funded by adverts.