Using a thesaurus: Nile crocodile
Whiteboard Challenges
Challenge 1
Use a thesaurus to help rewrite the first sentence, replacing the word ‘problem‘ with a suitable synonym.
Challenge 2
Use a thesaurus to help rewrite the second sentence, replacing the words ‘intense‘ and ‘lethal‘ with suitable synonyms.
Challenge 3
Write your own scintillating sentence about the animals featured in the film clip. Try to include some of the words from the Word Wall and use a thesaurus at least once to improve some of your vocabulary choices.
Whiteboard Challenges
1) The risk of heat exhaustion meant that the mother crocodile was faced with a difficult problem.
2) Due to the intense heat of the midday sun, the mother’s body was at a near lethal temperature, so returning to the Nile was now her only option.